What Are The Four-Digit Grid Coordinates For Spot Elevation 189

What are the four-digit grid coordinates for spot elevation 189? This question delves into the realm of topographic maps, where understanding grid coordinates and spot elevations is crucial for accurate data extraction and analysis. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of four-digit grid coordinates, their relationship to spot elevations, and the process of locating spot elevation 189 on a topographic map.

Furthermore, it will explore the significance of accurate data extraction and discuss the potential applications of grid coordinates in various fields.

Coordinates and Grid System

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A four-digit grid coordinate system is a method of identifying locations on a map or chart using a combination of numbers and letters. The coordinates are based on a grid of squares, with each square representing a specific area on the map.

The first two digits of the coordinate represent the east-west position, while the last two digits represent the north-south position.

Spot elevation is a point on a topographic map that represents the height of the land at that location. Spot elevations are typically marked with a small dot or circle, and the elevation is written next to the symbol. The relationship between grid coordinates and spot elevations is that the grid coordinates can be used to locate the spot elevation on the map, and the spot elevation can be used to determine the height of the land at that location.

Locating Spot Elevation 189

To locate spot elevation 189 on a topographic map using four-digit grid coordinates, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the grid square that contains the spot elevation. The grid square is the smallest square on the map that contains the spot elevation symbol.
  2. The first two digits of the grid coordinate represent the east-west position of the grid square. The first digit represents the number of squares east of the origin, and the second digit represents the number of squares west of the origin.
  3. The last two digits of the grid coordinate represent the north-south position of the grid square. The first digit represents the number of squares north of the origin, and the second digit represents the number of squares south of the origin.
  4. Once you have identified the grid square that contains the spot elevation, you can use the grid coordinates to determine the exact location of the spot elevation within the grid square. The spot elevation is typically located in the center of the grid square, but it may be slightly offset to one side.

Data Extraction and Analysis

What are the four-digit grid coordinates for spot elevation 189

Once you have located spot elevation 189 on the topographic map, you can extract the four-digit grid coordinates from the map. The grid coordinates are typically written in the margin of the map, or they may be printed on the grid lines themselves.

Accurate data extraction is important for subsequent analysis. If the grid coordinates are not extracted correctly, it will be difficult to locate the spot elevation on the map or to determine the height of the land at that location.

The grid coordinates can be used to analyze the surrounding terrain and elevation patterns. For example, you can use the grid coordinates to determine the slope of the land, the direction of the slope, and the elevation of the surrounding peaks and valleys.

Contextual Information

What are the four-digit grid coordinates for spot elevation 189

Spot elevation 189 is located in the eastern United States, in the state of Pennsylvania. The spot elevation is located in a mountainous region, and the surrounding terrain is characterized by steep slopes and deep valleys.

The context of the spot elevation can enhance the analysis and interpretation of the grid coordinates. For example, knowing that the spot elevation is located in a mountainous region can help you to understand the significance of the elevation and the surrounding terrain.

The grid coordinates for spot elevation 189 can be used in a variety of applications, such as surveying, engineering, and environmental studies. The grid coordinates can be used to create maps, to determine the elevation of a specific location, and to analyze the surrounding terrain.

Answers to Common Questions: What Are The Four-digit Grid Coordinates For Spot Elevation 189

What is the significance of spot elevation in topographic maps?

Spot elevation provides precise height information for specific locations on a topographic map, enabling the determination of terrain elevation and slope.

How do four-digit grid coordinates relate to spot elevations?

Four-digit grid coordinates identify the grid square containing the spot elevation, providing a systematic reference system for locating and analyzing elevation data.

What are the potential applications of four-digit grid coordinates in various fields?

Grid coordinates are used in surveying to establish property boundaries, in engineering for site planning and infrastructure design, and in environmental studies for land use planning and resource management.